Anurag Jain

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Anurag Jain is a graduate of Symbiosis Law School, Noida and a dedicated lawyer with a strong foundation in legal expertise and deep legal knowledge. During his time at law school, Anurag’s exceptional academic performance earned him a merit scholarship, highlighting his commitment to excellence and dedication to his studies.

Anurag is also an accomplished sports player, achieving remarkable feats in squash. His discipline and competitive spirit on the court translate into a relentless drive for success in his legal practice.

Currently, practicing consumer and civil cases, his legal interests extend beyond consumer and civil law, as he also has a keen interest in criminal cases. Anurag is particularly passionate about issues related to animal care, advocating for the welfare and rights of animals alongside his legal practice.

With a commitment to justice, Anurag is a reliable advocate for the Firm’s clients, offering personalized and effective legal solutions.

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